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获取价格Preguntas de los lectores — BIBLIOTECA EN LÍNEA Watchtower
Preguntas de los lectores. ¿Terminó el pacto de la Ley al morir Jesús en el madero?¿Cuándo fue reemplazado aquel pacto por el nuevo pacto? Muchos han hecho estas preguntas, y han tenido presentes tres acontecimientos: la muerte de Jesús en un madero de tormento la tarde del 14 de Nisán de 33 E.C., la presentación por él del valor
获取价格Salmo 40 — BIBLIOTECA EN LÍNEA Watchtower - Watchtower
10 En mi corazón no oculto tu justicia. Declaro tu fidelidad y tu salvación. En la gran congregación no escondo tu amor leal ni tu verdad”.+ 11 Oh, Jehová, no me niegues tu misericordia. Que tu amor leal y tu verdad siempre me protejan.+
获取价格Exodus 40 Online Bible New World Translation
40 Then Jehovah said to Moses: 2 “On the first day of the first month, you are to set up the tabernacle, the tent of meeting.+ 3 Place the ark of the Testimony in it,+ and screen off the Ark with the curtain.+ 4 You are to bring the table+ in and arrange the things that belong on it and bring in the lampstand+ and light its lamps.+ 5 Then put the golden altar for incense+
获取价格Isaiah 40 Online Bible New World Translation
40 “Comfort, comfort my people,” says your God.+ 2 “Speak to the heart of* Jerusalem, And proclaim to her that her compulsory service has been fulfilled, That her guilt has been paid off.+ From the hand of Jehovah she has received a full amount* for all her sins.”+ 3 A voice of one calling out in the wilderness: “Clear up* the way of Jehovah!+ Make a straight
获取价格Salmos 40 Bíblia on-line Tradução do Novo Mundo
Ao regente. Salmo de Davi. 40 Esperei confiantemente em* Jeová, E ele me inclinou seu ouvido* e escutou meu clamor por ajuda.+ 2 Ele me tirou de um poço de águas ruidosas, Do charco lamacento, E pôs os meus pés sobre um rochedo; Firmou os meus passos. 3 Então, pôs na minha boca um novo cântico,+ Um louvor ao nosso Deus. Muitos observarão
获取价格How Can We Be Clean in God’s Eyes? - JW.ORG
3. Physical cleanness honors Jehovah. We can perceive Jehovah’s view of cleanness by examining his commands to ancient Israel. Read Exodus 19:10 and 30:17-19, and then discuss these questions:. What do these verses reveal about Jehovah’s view
获取价格Testimoni di Geova — Sito ufficiale: jw Italiano
Proveniamo da centinaia di realtà etniche e linguistiche, ma siamo uniti perché abbiamo obiettivi comuni. Ciò che desideriamo di più è onorare Geova, il Dio di cui parla la Bibbia, il Creatore di ogni cosa.Ci sforziamo di imitare Gesù Cristo e per noi essere cristiani è un onore. Ciascuno di noi dedica del tempo a insegnare la Bibbia e a parlare del Regno di Dio.
获取价格Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY
Jehovah values us as individuals. Before sending out his apostles to preach, Jesus helped them to overcome their fear of opposition. (Matt. 10:29-31) He did so by talking about one of the most common birds in Israel: the sparrow.Those birds had little value in Jesus’ day.
获取价格Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY
This is an authorized Web site of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is a research tool for publications in various languages produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
获取价格Testemunhas de Jeová — site oficial jw Português (Brasil)
Mesmo vindo de centenas de grupos étnicos e falando centenas de idiomas, somos unidos pelos mesmos objetivos. Acima de tudo, queremos honrar a Jeová, o Deus da Bíblia e o Criador de todas as coisas.Fazemos o nosso melhor para imitar a Jesus Cristo e temos orgulho de ser chamados cristãos.Todos nós dedicamos tempo à obra de ensinar as
获取价格Официальный сайт Свидетелей Иеговы: jw русский
Свидетели Иеговы. На нашем официальном сайте — Библия онлайн, библейские публикации и новости. Информация о наших учениях и организации.
获取价格Jó 40 Bíblia Online Tradução do Novo Mundo - JW.ORG
40 Jeová continuou a responder a Jó: 2 “Deve aquele que critica discutir com o Todo-Poderoso?+ Responda agora aquele que quer repreender a Deus.”+ 3 Jó disse em resposta a Jeová: 4 “Sou indigno!+ O que é que te posso responder? Ponho a mão sobre a boca.+ 5 Falei uma vez, mas não vou voltar a falar; Duas vezes, mas não vou dizer mais nada.” 6
获取价格Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY
This is an authorized Web site of Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is a research tool for publications in various languages produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
获取价格Testemunhas de Jeová — site oficial jw Português (Brasil)
Mesmo vindo de centenas de grupos étnicos e falando centenas de idiomas, somos unidos pelos mesmos objetivos. Acima de tudo, queremos honrar a Jeová, o Deus da Bíblia e o Criador de todas as coisas.Fazemos o nosso melhor para imitar a Jesus Cristo e temos orgulho de ser chamados cristãos.Todos nós dedicamos tempo à obra de ensinar as
获取价格Официальный сайт Свидетелей Иеговы: jw русский
Свидетели Иеговы. На нашем официальном сайте — Библия онлайн, библейские публикации и новости. Информация о наших учениях и организации.
获取价格Jó 40 Bíblia Online Tradução do Novo Mundo - JW.ORG
40 Jeová continuou a responder a Jó: 2 “Deve aquele que critica discutir com o Todo-Poderoso?+ Responda agora aquele que quer repreender a Deus.”+ 3 Jó disse em resposta a Jeová: 4 “Sou indigno!+ O que é que te posso responder? Ponho a mão sobre a boca.+ 5 Falei uma vez, mas não vou voltar a falar; Duas vezes, mas não vou dizer mais nada.” 6
获取价格Psalms 40 Online Bible New World Translation
To the director. Of David. A melody. 40 I earnestly hoped in* Jehovah, And he inclined his ear* to me and heard my cry for help.+ 2 He brought me up out of a roaring pit, Out of the slimy mire. And he set my feet upon a crag; He made my footing secure. 3 Then he put a new song in my mouth,+ Praise to our God. Many will look on in awe And put their trust
获取价格Jehovas Zeugen – Offizielle Website: jw Deutsch
Wir kommen aus unterschiedlichen Kulturkreisen und sprechen unterschiedliche Sprachen. Doch uns verbinden gemeinsame Ziele: Vor allem möchten wir Jehova ehren, den Gott der Bibel, der alles erschaffen hat. Wir nehmen uns Jesus Christus zum Vorbild, und es ist für uns eine Ehre, Christen genannt zu werden. Jeder von uns nimmt sich regelmäßig Zeit,
获取价格JWTalk - Jehovah's Witnesses Online Community
Welcome to JWTalk!JWTalk.Net is the only online community for real, actual Jehovah's Witnesses - those who are active, loyal, publishers of God's Kingdom - where you can speak with brothers and sisters from all around the world on a wide variety of topics.
获取价格Job 40 Biblia en línea Traducción del Nuevo Mundo
40 Jehová continuó respondiéndole a Job: 2 “¿Debe un criticón discutir con el Todopoderoso?+ Que conteste el que quiere corregir a Dios”.+ 3 Job le respondió a Jehová: 4 “Mira, yo soy indigno,+ ¿qué te puedo responder? Me tapo la boca con la mano.+ 5 Hablé una vez, pero no responderé de nuevo; hablé una segunda vez, pero no diré nada más”.
获取价格Job 40 Online Bible New World Translation
40 Jehovah continued to answer Job: 2 “Should a faultfinder contend with the Almighty?+ Let the one who wants to reprove God answer.”+ 3 Job said in answer to Jehovah: 4 “Look! I am unworthy.+ What can I reply to you? I put my hand over my mouth.+ 5 I spoke once, but I will not answer again; Twice, but I will say no more.” 6 Then Jehovah answered Job out
获取价格Reuniones — BIBLIOTECA EN LÍNEA Watchtower
A Jehová no le gustan las personas presumidas y arrogantes (Sl 75:4; 1Ti 3:6; w18.01 28 párrs. 4, 5).Cualquier responsabilidad que recibamos en la organización es un regalo de Jehová; no es mérito nuestro (Sl 75:5-7; w06 15/7 11 párr. 3).Jehová humillará a los arrogantes, como los orgullosos líderes de este mundo ().
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12 187 1DP JW40-375-NN Art nr: 542 75 95‑79. 945. List Price. Get a Quote. Find a Dealer; Book a Demo; Print; Features. Discover all features and learn more about the benefits. Showing {featureCount} features. Smooth and easy start. The segments' design reduces their contact with the concrete surface. This provides a quick and controlled ...
It indicates that the JW40 flanged sleeve is made of 304 stainless steel, the interface with the instrument is G1/2 internal thread, and the field connection is flange DN25, the insertion length is 100mm, and the inner diameter of the sheath is 10mm. Sheathing Tube Series JW40-Selection composition JW40 1.Material U 4.Insertion length mm
获取价格2024 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses - JW.ORG
Program Highlights. Friday: Consider evidence that the good news about Jesus in the Gospels is an accurate record of his life. Learn how these Bible accounts can benefit us today. Saturday: What was prophesied about Jesus’ birth and childhood, and did those prophecies really come true? Sunday: In the Bible-based talk “Why We Don’t Fear Bad