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WB analysis of rat adrenal gland using 60135-2-Ig. rat adrenal gland tissue were subjected to SDS PAGE followed by western blot with 60135-2-Ig (Chromogranin A antibody) at dilution of 1:5000 incubated at room
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IF Staining of PC-12 using CL488-60135. Immunofluorescent analysis of (-20°C Ethanol) fixed PC-12 cells using CoraLite® Plus 488 Chromogranin A antibody (CL488-60135, Clone: 3H11C11 ) at dilution of 1:200.
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2023/10/16 本文主要介绍了电动机pw是什么功率,从多个方面阐述了其特点和应用。我们将对电动机pw的功率进行概述,然后从不同的角度对其进行阐述, 1. 功率的定义 功率是衡量电动机输出能力的重要指标,通常用单位时间内所做的功来表示。电动机pw是什么功
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IF Staining of PC-12 using CL488-60135. Immunofluorescent analysis of (-20°C Ethanol) fixed PC-12 cells using CoraLite® Plus 488 Chromogranin A antibody (CL488-60135, Clone: 3H11C11 ) at dilution of 1:200.
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2023/10/16 本文主要介绍了电动机pw是什么功率,从多个方面阐述了其特点和应用。我们将对电动机pw的功率进行概述,然后从不同的角度对其进行阐述, 1. 功率的定义 功率是衡量电动机输出能力的重要指标,通常用单位时间内所做的功来表示。电动机pw是什么功
获取价格Chromogranin A antibody (60135-2-Ig) Proteintech 武汉三鹰生
WB analysis of rat adrenal gland using 60135-2-Ig. rat adrenal gland tissue were subjected to SDS PAGE followed by western blot with 60135-2-Ig (Chromogranin A antibody) at dilution of 1:5000 incubated at room temperature for 1.5 hours.
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IF Staining of PC-12 using CL555-60135. Immunofluorescent analysis of (-20°C Ethanol) fixed PC-12 cells using CoraLite®555 Chromogranin A antibody (CL555-60135, Clone: 3H11C11 ) at dilution of 1:200.
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IF Staining of PC-12 using CL555-60135. Immunofluorescent analysis of (-20°C Ethanol) fixed PC-12 cells using CoraLite®555 Chromogranin A antibody (CL555-60135, Clone: 3H11C11 ) at dilution of 1:200.
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IHC staining of human pancreas using 60135-1-Ig. Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded human pancreas tissue slide using 60135-1-Ig (Chromogranin A antibody) at dilution of 1:80000 (under 10x lens.