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获取价格铁矿 - 期货合约 - 价格 2010-2024 数据 2025-2026 预测
2 之 铁矿石价格是指中国津港口交付的铁矿石精矿,品位为63.5%,成本加运费。用于制造基础设施和其他建筑项目所需的钢材。铁矿石的最大生产国是中国、澳大利亚和
新浪财经-期货频道为您提供铁矿石2501(i0)期货行情,期货资料,,期货新闻,报价,机构报告,评论,现货价格,持仓分析等与铁矿石2501(铁矿石2501)期货相关的 ...
08-23 Mysteel午报:钢价局部下跌,铁矿石期货跌逾1%; 08-23 Mysteel早读:黑色期货夜盘飘绿,旧标螺纹钢库存去化顺利; 08-22 Mysteel晚餐:焦炭第六轮提降开启,钢材总库
获取价格伦敦金属交易所 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
lme.co.uk. 伦敦金属交易所 是全球最大的基本金属及其他金属的 期货 、期权市场,位于 英國 伦敦市Leadenhall街道。. 伦敦金属交易所提供了从交易开始到3个/到期的合约,还
2024/7/26 lme拟于明/推出铁矿石期货合约. 继推出废钢和螺纹钢期货合约后,伦敦金属交易所(lme)拟于明/下半/推出铁矿石期货合约 lme的目标是推出国际化的期货合
获取价格进军亚洲市场 LME加入铁矿石期货争夺战 - 第一财经
2013/11/22 业内人士指出,从市场行情角度,lme考虑在明/推出铁矿石期货也有其合理之处,原因正是在于,近/来随着全球经济放缓以及铁矿石产量大增,铁 ...
获取价格Market data London Metal Exchange
We provide the metals and financial communities with a comprehensive range of market data to suit all user needs. Participants can access a broad range of data covering everything from key reference prices, like LME
获取价格LME Group fees and charges. Fee schedule London Metal Exchange
LME Group Fees and Charges (PDF) LME trading fee calculator. Use our fee calculator tool to work out trading and clearing fees in a range of trading scenarios including: outrights, multi-leg carries and exchange and client contracts on all LME venues. LME Trading Fee Calculator (XLS)
获取价格LME-铜库存量 数据 MacroMicro 财经M平方
LME是伦敦金属交易所(London Metal Exchange)的缩写,铜库存数据可以反映市场上铜供应和需求的情况,当库存增加时,可能代表供应过剩或需求减少,而库存减少则可能代表供应紧张或需求增加。这些数据对于预测铜价格和市场走势具有一定的参考价值。
获取价格LME Steel HRC FOB China (Argus) London Metal Exchange
LME Clear has a robust Risk Management Framework that provides the structure for clear risk policies, processes and internal control mechanisms.
获取价格LME reference prices London Metal Exchange
The LME publishes a set of daily reference prices that are used the world over by industrial and financial participants for referencing, hedging, physical settlement, contract negotiations, margining and portfolio evaluations. Beyond this, the LME price increasingly reflects the value of responsibly sourced metal.
获取价格LME Gold Price Reference - Metals Daily
2021/1/4 Gold Price References from the LME. Gold bulls dealt a minor setback in.. 23-08-24 The funds making the most of the go.. 23-08-24 CHINA GOLD ASSOCIATION : IN THE FIR.. 23-08-24 DOMINIC FRISBY : Gold or silver: wh.. 23-08-24 GOLD Pullback Keeps RSI Below 70 23-08-24; UBS target USD2700 / oz for gold 23-08-24; CHARTS : Gold
2024/8/2 銅価格の世界的指標であるNY銅(ニューヨーク銅・銅先物COMEX)とLME銅のリアルタイムのチャートと時系列です。銅は景気の先行指標、最大消費国の中国景気を占う指標。銅鉱山や価格カルテル、EV、環境規制、銅の実需筋・投機筋の解説も掲
获取价格Exchange holidays London Metal Exchange
LME Trading Calendar 2024-2034 (PDF) The LME recognises 19 June 2024 and 19 June 2030 as US holidays, however as both dates are 3rd Wednesday prompts, these will remain as tradeable prompts until further updates are made by the LME.
获取价格Approved brands London Metal Exchange
All brands approved for good delivery against LME contracts must conform to strict requirements on quality, shape and weight, as outlined by the exchange. In addition, all LME-listed brands must now comply with the LME's responsible sourcing requirements.
获取价格LMEとは?経済用語について説明 sasa-dango
2023/11/11 1. LMEとは LMEの概要 LME(London Metal Exchange)とは、1877/に設立された世界最大規模の非鉄金属専門の取引所です。アルミニウム、銅、鉛、亜鉛、錫、ニッケルなど、様々な非鉄金属が上場されており、その取引価
获取价格LME Cobalt London Metal Exchange
In support of this strategy and to further enhance the growth of contracts related to the energy transition, the LME announced, via Member Notice 24/179, a 100% fee discount for three contracts, as follows: LME Cobalt, contract code “CO” LME Lithium Hydroxide CIF (Fastmarkets MB), contract code “LH”
获取价格한국비철금속협회 통계정보>LME시세
2024/4/11 LME시세; 일자 품목; Cu Al Zn Pb Ni Sn; 2024. 04. 12: 9,402.0: 2,443.0: 2,848.0: 2,140.5: 17,780.0: 32,975.0: 2024. 04. 11: 9,240.5: 2,410.5: 2,712.0: 2,127.5: ...
获取价格LME Steel HRC N.America (Platts) London Metal Exchange
LMElive is the LME's own data application, providing customers with key LME pricing, information and tools. Physical services Back Physical services home
获取价格LME Molybdenum (Platts) London Metal Exchange
LMElive is the LME's own data application, providing customers with key LME pricing, information and tools. Physical services Back Physical services home
获取价格LME Cobalt London Metal Exchange
In support of this strategy and to further enhance the growth of contracts related to the energy transition, the LME announced, via Member Notice 24/179, a 100% fee discount for three contracts, as follows: LME Cobalt,
获取价格한국비철금속협회 통계정보>LME시세
2024/4/11 LME시세; 일자 품목; Cu Al Zn Pb Ni Sn; 2024. 04. 12: 9,402.0: 2,443.0: 2,848.0: 2,140.5: 17,780.0: 32,975.0: 2024. 04. 11: 9,240.5: 2,410.5: 2,712.0: 2,127.5: ...
获取价格LME Steel HRC N.America (Platts) London Metal
LME Clear has a robust Risk Management Framework that provides the structure for clear risk policies, processes and internal control mechanisms.
获取价格LME Molybdenum (Platts) London Metal Exchange
LME Clear has a robust Risk Management Framework that provides the structure for clear risk policies, processes and internal control mechanisms.
获取价格News London Metal Exchange
What does this mean for metals markets, and what does the LME offer for managing price risk? Find out more . Historical notices. Notices on LME are available from August 2019. Notices prior to August 2019 can be accessed through Lexis Nexis. Key compliance notices. All key compliance notices are available on LME.
获取价格Trading London Metal Exchange
The global metal community uses the LME to trade futures and options to hedge against adverse price movements – prices which are discovered on our markets and used as the global reference. Participants can trade six different types of contract against a wide number of non-ferrous, ferrous, precious and EV metals on a choice of three platforms
获取价格Country of origin stock data London Metal Exchange
Monthly, 10-day delayed Excel report showing the breakdown of open tonnage by country of origin for all metals As published in the LME Discussion Paper on Russian Metal – response paper (published via Notice 22/260 on 11 November 2022), the LME has committed to increasing transparency of per-country origin of metal on warrant. This will be published
获取价格Find a member London Metal Exchange
A large number of participants access our markets as clients of LME members. Non-members wishing to trade LME contracts can do so through Category 1, 2 and 4 members (and their associated ISVs) with each category offering different levels of services in respect of trading and clearing.
获取价格LME Aluminium Alloy London Metal Exchange
Current and historical Aluminium Alloy prices, stocks and monthly averages.
获取价格About London Metal Exchange
Learn about LME governance and regulation structures and policies. See our careers opportunities, read our FAQs, and find out about sustainability at the LME.
获取价格Non-ferrous metals London Metal Exchange
4 之 The LME is the world centre for the trading of industrial metals. The majority of non-ferrous, on-exchange trading is conducted on our markets. The prices “discovered” for our physically settled non-ferrous contracts are used as the global reference and basis for physical trading, as well as in the valuation of portfolios, in commodity ...
获取价格Metals London Metal Exchange
Data on LME tends to be published on a day-delayed basis whilst real and near-real time data is available via LMElive and our vendor network. Day-delayed data summaries for each metal in the non-ferrous, ferrous, minor and precious metals suites. View all. Gain access to the reports and data published on the LME website ...